During the last expenses fiasco Ed Davey claimed almost the same amount of expenses as Gordon Brown and David Cameron and Mr Davey did not need a second home.

He lives just a train ride away from Parliament.

Again, Ed Davey is filling the pockets of the Liberal Democrats.

He claims the highest amount for the rent of premises to the tune of more than £43,000.

Do the Lib Dems then pay tax for this amount?

I wonder what he rents it for. His surgery? Surely he only needs to rent a room in the building for that, so about £3,500 a month for a room is horrendous.

Ed Davey has a cheek to reprimand power companies about increasing their charges, when he is filling the coffers of the Lib Dems.

Here in Kingston the council tax is supposed to be the highest in Greater London. And our outer London area on the transport map is still six.

Why is he not fighting to sort these items out, or does he not have to fill his time up now as he has a cabinet job?

Last time we wrote to Ed Davey (the flying tax – one of highest in Europe) he said he could not get involved as he was now a cabinet member.

When are the electors of Kingston and Surbiton going to come to their senses and send the Lib Dems back to the land of nod? 

Liz Smith; Chessington