SIR. There are a few errors in the various reports on the Parish meeting recently called in Claygate.

The meeting was not called by the Parish Council but by members of the UKIP party. Any six residents of Claygate can call a parish meeting.

If asked the Parish Clerk will do it but in this instance it was done by Mr John Moran who arranged the date, booked and paid for the hall, organised the agenda and put up the notices.

Mr. Moran sent me a copy of the agenda and asked me to chair the meeting.

As chair of the CPC if I am at the meeting I have to act as chairman.

At 4.30pm on the afternoon of the meeting I received a phone call pointing out that the notice of meeting was not legal as it was not signed by the six residents who called the meeting.

I went and looked at the notices and found this to be correct.

I took legal advice and was told the meeting could not be held as a Parish meeting.

Our local retired Major, who we all know and respect, was making a long speech and Mr Moran asked me to enquire how much longer he was going to continue as others also wanted to have their say.

He was not shouted down, as Mr James from Hook has stated.

As far as I am concerned this was a well-behaved gathering and I was pleased to act as chair.

I must say that Mr. Moran is a very pleasant gentleman for whom I have the greatest respect.

Jimmy Cartwright
Claygate Parish Council