It appears Father Quinn (Letters, December 5) relishes a vigorous campaign re: St Raphael's church and this is an approach that works in rallying his parishioners and supporters. However, it is truly disingenuous for him to advocate that I, or any elected member of this council, of any party, or council officer, would wish for anything other than success in the restoration of St Raphael's.

This was quite clearly stated by me and others at the Surbiton meeting.

I did raise what I sincerely believe to be legitimate questions as to whether the church has fully explored the opportunity of selling the houses as family homes rather than the flat development scheme.

There is evidence suggesting they could achieve an equal if not greater return by marketing these as suitable for refurbishment.

There are other fundamental aspects to this case. If the heritage enabling argument is accepted, it would result in a block of 21 flats, 13 one-bedroom, a poor reflection of the known housing needs of this borough.

A development of this size would normally require 10 units to be affordable, a principle that must surely be accepted by any Christian organisation.

The restoration project is clearly a worthy cause but is it morally right that it be achieved at the expense of needier residents?

The church can be assured of our ongoing support for the main restoration project and I simply appeal for a more reasonable approach to the Maple Road issue.