What do you most enjoy about being the Headmaster of Halliford School? 

Without a doubt, the students are the very best thing about being Headmaster at Halliford School. I am surrounded by wonderful young people with so much enthusiasm and potential – it really is the best job in the world! I am always impressed at what our students manage to achieve, and the quality of relationships we build in a school like ours is the icing on the cake.

It is hugely rewarding to hear students, my colleagues, parents and visitors to the school comment on the strong feeling of belonging they experience daily. I am proud to say that I know each of our students, and it is a real privilege to enjoy their company and have a conversation with them at any point in the day.   

(Image: Halliford School)

What sort of student thrives at Halliford School? 

Our motto ‘Come as you are. Go as all you can be’ really does encompass what we strive for each day as a school. We say that we are a school for interesting people, and we fervently believe this! Within our community, there is genuinely a place for all types of young people - clever people, those who excel in the arts and sport, those who aspire to leadership, those who care for others and everything in between, but most of all, we are proud to call ourselves Hallifordians, and that really means something.

At Halliford, we offer our students an experience full of empathy without ever compromising on academic excellence and in so doing, achievement comes as a by-product of our school’s culture, not in spite of it.   

(Image: Halliford School)

What does Halliford School do particularly well? 

Over the seven years that I have had the honour of being Headmaster, we have seen standards rise at the school due to a great deal of hard work from the students and my amazing colleagues on the staff. We were thrilled to be awarded the rating of excellent in all areas during our most recent Independent Schools Inspectorate visit.

We want to inspire each student at Halliford to excel in those areas where they have a real interest or talent, discover new opportunities, and support them in those areas where things perhaps do not always come naturally. As a small school, we offer a vast range of opportunities both within and outside the classroom and having over 100 different co-curricular activities on offer each term certainly means there is always something for everyone.

(Image: Halliford School)

What do you try to emphasise to young students when they leave Halliford for university? 

As students leave Halliford School we will have provided them with the opportunity to develop and strengthen their skills of intellectual curiosity, creativity and resilience in all their endeavours. We know that our students thrive at university and in apprenticeships thanks to the skills and values they have developed during their time with us. In recent years, we have also been excited to welcome back several former students who have been inspired to become part of the next generation of teachers!   

We invite you to visit Hallford School at one of our open events to discover more about our wonderful school. Visit www.hallifordschool.co.uk for more information.