I was very sorry to hear of the recent dog attack over Epsom Common though not altogether surprised by it. 

I am becoming increasingly concerned with the number of dogs out of control in Epsom and no sign of a dog warden doing anything in our town.  I regularly see dogs off the lead being walked along pavements in town; it is illegal to have a dog off a lead on the public highway yet there is no-one enforcing this law. 

Other towns have pro-active dog wardens and I feel Epsom needs one urgently.  Furthermore, as with the case described in the Epsom Guardian last week, 'professional' dog walkers exercising large groups of dogs at one time are on the rise. 

These people seem to have no control over the dogs and the dogs develop a pack mentality going out in a large group like this.  I would appeal to Epsom dog owners to keep their dog on the lead in town and beside roads and to ensure that if they use a dog walker that this person takes out a maximum of two dogs at any one time. 

A concerned dog owner
Name and address supplied