The proposals, this week, by the BSBV review to close Epsom's A and E , Maternity, Children's and acute medical services, has been based on very flimsy, and sometimes non- existent, evidence.

People in the area will have too far to travel in emergencies and shortages of ambulances, traffic delays, and the fact that ambulance staff cannot perform caesarian sections  for women in difficulty in labour, mean the population will be at risk.

BSBV are suggesting a midwife only unit but do not tell mothers that the same study, that suggested this is safe for low risk mothers, also states that 4 out of 10 first-time mothers have to be moved to a hospital with doctors while in labour. Will those mothers get there in time?

We are gathering evidence to submit to BSBV and would like to make a plea to anyone who is free on 17th May to please come to the Surrey Downs GP Commissioners meeting at Epsom Racecourse  ( it starts at 1.30pm ) to show their support for Epsom Hospital.

Rosemary Najim
Via email