While giving leaflets out to publicise the Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group meeting on Friday, May 17, at Epsom Downs Racecourse, we have heard so many stories from the public detailing how they just made it in time to Epsom Hospital, to deliver their babies, (travelling from Ashtead and Leatherhead.)

One mother, whose baby started to be born when she was 28 weeks pregnant, was told the baby wouldn't have been saved if she had been four more minutes in labour.

Surrey Downs GPs must not rely on the proposals from London which are not based on evidence - they must look at the needs of patients in Epsom and the surrounding area.

We hope they carefully consider the open letter from the editor of the Epsom Guardian.

We cannot believe that, as doctors, all the GPs will not realise these proposals are dangerous and hope they do take action in time to avert disaster.

Jane Race & Rosemary Najim; 

Epsom Hospital Campaign

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